ארכיון תגית: הפרעת קשב וריכוז

פורסם מחקר חדש שלי על הפרעות קשב וריכוז במבוגרים

התקבל לפרסום מחקר חדש שלי שנערך ביחידה להפרעות קשב וריכוז של הכללית בבי"ח גהה עם ד"ר איריס מנור מנהלת היחידה ופרופ' בוב לובוב מאוניברסיטת תל אביב בכתב העת Journal of Attention Disorders

Lubow, Kaplan, & Manor (Accepted, 2012).  Latent Inhibition in ADHD Adults On and Off Medication: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Attention Disorders.

להלן תמצית המאמר, כאשר יעלה און ליין לאתר כתב העת אשלח קישור. הפרסום המודפס לוקח בד"כ כמה חודשים.


Adult ADHD patients (n =35) and a matched control group were given two sessions of a two-stage visual search-latent inhibition task. In stage-1, they detected whether the location of a unique shape, presented with homogeneous distractors, was on the left or right side of the screen. In stage-2, target detection response time was examined as a function of the stage-1 experience with either the target, distractor, or both, allowing for a within-subject assessment of latent inhibition (LI). In Session-1, the ADHD subjects were off their customary stimulant medication. In Session-2, they were on medication. Off-medicated ADHD subjects exhibited similar LI to that of controls; medicated ADHD subjects exhibited less LI than Controls. The group differences in LI were mediated by differences in RTs to the previously task-irrelevant distractor stimulus, suggesting that ADHD medication specifically affected the processing of the preexposed distractors that were later made into targets.